Monday, June 20, 2011

One Pretty Awesome Weekend!!

First off, I need to give a shout out to my niece Libby who turned ONE on Friday!! Happy Birthday Libby!!

Isn't she cute?!?!

Ok, now to our "Pretty Awesome" weekend... On Friday morning we woke up and headed down to El Paso, TX for the Antiques Roadshow, and yes we did take the boys with us which after about an hour of standing in line at the Roadshow I was beginning to regret! Let's just say there was a lot of whining and complaining from them.... ANYWAYS!! On our way down to El Paso we stopped in Roswell to go to Goodwill... for those who don't know, we try to stop at Goodwill's anywhere!! But we stopped at the Roswell one for a reason... I was looking around the store and we were getting close to leaving, but then one of the workers in the back brought out another cart, so I raced to it to see what they had. I saw underneath a basket something that looked like it could be something of value, so I quickly snagged it and checked it out. This is what I found...

It looks much prettier in person, trust me!! I noticed it was signed on the bottom, so I knew it was a good one! And I just knew it had to go on the Roadshow to get an appraisal!! I will get to the appraisal part in a little bit :)...

So, after a LONG day of driving, we finally made it to El Paso and got our hotel room and went to bed! Saturday was the day of the Roadshow, so we woke up early and headed out! We ended up bringing several items to get appraised including some paintings, Oriental items, pottery, Native American items, and of course the vase! When we got to the Convention Center we showed our tickets and got in line... the first of many lines! Thankfully it was moving quickly and we only stood in line for maybe an hour or hour and a half.

I got the vase and a painting to be appraised... the painting is a Haitian painting and they couldn't even tell me anything about it (I think I got more information from online than I did from the appraiser!!) But he said it could be valued anywhere from $4 to $400,000... Thanks Dude!! That was very helpful!! (Sense the sarcasm)... Next I got in the glass line to get the vase appraised. I told the lady appraiser the story behind the vase (that we bought it at Goodwill the day before) and how much we paid for it ($1.99). Then the lady and the lady next to her started whispering to each other and what I heard them say was "It's still early in the day, there might be something better that comes along, do you really want to use yours already?"... I think they were wanting to put me on TV :)... then they asked me if I knew who made it, of course I did some research on my computer the night before so I did know who made it! I think they were wanting me to not know who made it to put me on TV, but I said I did know and they said "oh, well then lets get a price for you!" By the way, the vase is made by Orient & Flume which is a very up and coming company that makes vases and paper weights that cost a lot of money!! My vase was valued between $200 and $300... another awesome score!!! Especially since we only paid $2 for it!!

By the way, we did end up on the El Paso news show on Saturday night and we might be seen in the background during the show :). Jake and the boys went to the feedback booth (they left me standing in line to go do that), so they might get on TV :).

Now that I've bored you with our weekend :)... We did have One Pretty Awesome Weekend!!

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